strategy training video new media  


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Modern society creates complex issues - many people try to oversimplify them. 

A company which has legal and ethical responsibility, and at the same time needs to state its case during a serious incident, faces particular problems in presenting a full but balanced view. 

The services we offer include planning for media response, (including the identification and researching of issues), preparation of responses, and training of media teams.

We maintain contacts with the media, and make regular analyses of media methods and activities during major incidents, building up to a comprehensive database of how the media really respond to major incidents. Our advice and training does not rely on cliché and assumptions. 

This has led us to emphasise the importance of developing strategy, rather than responding to the media in a formulaic manner. A strategic overview of what you are doing is essential. Don't shoot from the hip. Our approach builds strategic thinking skills and understanding of the communications process.

The most important question for our clients is always: "What is in this for me? How can I handle media attention in the best interests of my organisation? What can I realistically achieve?"

Training is available at various levels: for telephone response teams to be used for emergencies only, media strategy advisers, and senior managers who may have to authorise strategy and appear in interviews.

Your media response team is the voice of your company. They need to be well prepared, confident, and able to handle the questions that will be thrown at them. This skill only comes with practice and training.

Video can play an important part in training, or in spreading your policies or corporate ethos to staff and external bodies. We offer an excellent service to develop, script and produce videos of all lengths and types.

Don't be left behind by the communications revolution. Understand what the 'new media' are and how they matter to a company during an incident. When might the new media make a difference to you?